Unlimited LinkedIn Data
100% Enrichment
CRM sync

Find & extract relevant prospects and candidates
in minutes.

Extract unlimited number of people & companies from LinkedIn. Clean & enrich that data automatically & start your outreach in minutes.

Start for free
No credit card required. 14-day free trial.
Heyreach hero image

8+ Native LinkedIn Searches

Extract people from LinkedIn search, employees from companies, group members, event attendees, people who liked a LinkedIn post, complex boolean queries & much more.

Sales Navigator & Recruitment Integration

Import leads & candidates from Sales Navigator & Recruiter with a click. Your lists & projects - mapped within HeyReach, in minutes.

100% Enrichment & Advanced filters

Coming Soon

Enrich the prospects & candidates with all of the data you can imagine. Filter your lists by skillset, company info, #openToWork, years of experience, career progress & much much more. Keep your CRM & ATS up to date with clicks.

Organize prospects & candidates in lists

Save all imported and scraped prospects/candidates into lists. View people, add tags, merge two lists into one, do intersection, export to CSV, import to CRM & much more.


Export prospects & candidates in your CRM

One-click sync the data you export from LinkedIn into your CRM. Clean, filtered & 100% enriched.
No need of Zapier or CSV exports.

Get 100% enriched, clean & filtered data from LinkedIn.

Unlimited accounts
14-day free trial
No credit card
Everything unlimited
Start for free