100s accounts - one inbox
Real-time LinkedIn sync
Tags & filters

All your LinkedIn inboxes, merged into one. Fast, sleek, smart.

You book more meetings if you respond to messages within 10 minutes. Manage all LinkedIn accounts’ inboxes as one, without switching tabs.

Start for free
No credit card required. 14-day free trial.

All accounts inboxes - merged into one

Do outreach from multiple LinkedIn accounts, but manage only one inbox. Reduce your response time, never miss a potential customer again & forget about switching through profiles

Engage on behalf of another teammate

Turn everyone in your company into a sales rep. Handle conversations & book meetings from your teammates accounts, without having direct access to their LinkedIn profile

Tags, filters & reminders

Filter your inbox based on a campaign, LinkedIn accounts, tags & type of messages. Tag your leads & sync them with your CRM, with just a click

One-click sync to your CRM

Sync your leads’ data, messages and tags directly in your CRM with just a click. Forget about Zapier or setting up webhooks


Add to subsequences

Send leads or people who are not replying to you to a a subsequence with just a click. Engage further until you receive a reply or do re-marketing outreach activities.

Reply immediately & never miss a lead again.

Unlimited accounts
14-day free trial
No credit card
Everything unlimited
Start for free